安卓/iOS 可以调用 JS 侧的全局对象来完成通信,那么使用 React/Vue 的时候我们的方法都封装在框架内部,并没有暴露在全局,原生侧调不到框架内部的方法,怎么办?
使用 EventEmitter!
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| import { eventEmmiter } from "./eventEmmiter";
let Bridge = { ios: function(event, params, needCallback = true) { return new Promise(resolve => { console.log( `invoke iOS.event[${event}] with params: ${JSON.stringify(params)}` ); if (!params) params = {}; const callbackEvent = this.getCallbackEvent(event); if (needCallback) { eventEmmiter.once(callbackEvent, res => { console.log(`callback iOS.event[${callbackEvent}] with data: ${res}`); if (res && typeof res === "string") res = JSON.parse(res); resolve(res); }); } let msg = JSON.stringify({ method: event, data: params, callback: callbackEvent }); console.log(`send iOS msg ${JSON.stringify(msg)}`); webkit.messageHandlers.native.postMessage(msg); }); },
android: function(event, params, needCallback = true) { return new Promise(resolve => { console.log( `invoke Android.event[${event}] with params: ${JSON.stringify(params)}` ); if (!params) params = {}; const callbackEvent = this.getCallbackEvent(event); if (needCallback) { eventEmmiter.once(callbackEvent, res => { console.log( `callback Android.event[${callbackEvent}] with data: ${res}` ); if (res && typeof res === "string") res = JSON.parse(res); resolve(res); }); } let msg = JSON.stringify({ method: event, data: params, callback: callbackEvent }); console.log(`send Android msg ${JSON.stringify(msg)}`); Android[event](msg); }); },
getCallbackEvent: function(event) { return ( event + "-" + new Date().getTime() + "-" + (Math.random() * 100).toFixed() ); } };
export default Bridge;
JS 向原生请求消息,并接受回调
JS 侧注册 EventEmitter 事件,给原生发消息和当前事件,当原生返回消息的时候,调用当前事件的回调,并将数据返回。
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if (inIOSAPP()) { Bridge.ios(LOGIN_EVENT).then(res => { }); } else if (inAndroidAPP()) { Bridge.android(LOGIN_EVENT).then(res => { }); } else { this.toggleLoginModal(); }
原生向 JS 请求消息
JS 侧注册 EventEmitter 事件,原生调用当前事件的回调,并将数据返回。
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| componentDidMount() { eventEmmiter.on(SOME_EVENT, (res) => { console.log(res) }); }